We possess the capability to provide our clients with a reimagined perspective of their landscape through 3D or photo imaging designs. Collaboratively, we refine the design until it aligns with the client's vision. Once the concept is finalized, we draw it to scale and present it in a formal proposal.
We take great pride in revitalizing aging landscapes. What was once old can be made new again. Over time, landscapes can become overgrown, outdated, or no longer suitable for current needs. We specialize in transforming such landscapes into refreshed, renewed, and customized properties. Our services include complete tear-out and disposal of old landscapes. Renovation may involve working with the existing landscape or removing parts or all of an old landscape.
Our complete landscape installation services encompass everything from initial site preparation, grading, seed or sod, to the final touches of plantings, hardscaping, and lighting. We offer a wide range of plant and hardscape options, and our experienced team can work with both our designs and those provided by clients. With a one-year guarantee on plants we install, we ensure that your landscape is not only beautiful but also sustainable.
We have over 24 years of experience working with all different sized properties and their needs. Here is a list of general maintenance services we offer to our commercial clients.
Scaled commercially, we offer complete 24/7 snow and ice removal services. Treated as an emergency service, we provide superior lot and walk clearing, ice control services as well as loading and hauling. All services are tailored to property needs. We are fully insured meeting commercial insurance standards.
We believe these are the advantages you receive when working with us: Access to trade knowledge and skills | Real landscape solutions for client challenges | Family owned business | Wide plant and hard material selection | Excellent safety record | Commercial grade insurance | Payment options - check, VISA or Master Card | Regulatory compliance | Trained and certified applicators | Excellent communication and follow through | Relationship building attitude | Office and administrative support
If you'd like to learn more about us, and what we do, click the button below to see our work!
Spring Gardens Landscaping & Horticultural Service
PO BOX 510527 | 16701 W Dakota St | New Berlin, WI 53151
Copyright © 2021 Spring Gardens Landscaping & Horticultural Services, Inc - All Rights Reserved.
We are currently running discounted pricing for SPRING clean ups. If interested, please call!
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